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A Clinical and Allergological Study on Sinusitis in Children.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1987;30(11):1236-1242.
Published online November 30, 1987.
A Clinical and Allergological Study on Sinusitis in Children.
Jung Kyung Kim, Myung Ik Lee, Soon Wha Kim, Keun Chan Sohn
Department of Pediatrics, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
소아 부비동염에 대한 임상 및 알레르기학적 관찰
김정경, 이명익, 김순화, 손근찬
국립의료원 소아과
Sinusitis, despite of common in childhood, is still somewhat difficult proiblem to pediatrician in diagnosis and its complication, and plays a role of known one of trigerring factors in asthma. A clinical and allergological evaluation was performed on 235 cases, who were taken paranasal sinus X-ray at N.M.C. Pediatric OPD and in the ward from January 1985 to May 1986. The results were as follows; 1) Sinusitis was detected in 153 cases by paranasal sinus X-ray, and male to female ratio was 2.6:1, thereby male was more predominant than female. 2) In the age distribution, 87 cases (56.9%) of the patients were 4-8 year-old. 3) The symptoms were coughing, most common (60.7%), rhinorrhea, headache, nasal obstruction and fever in decreasing order. 4) In 113 cases (73.8%), paranasal sinus X-ray revealed moderate to severe abnormal findings. 5) The allergy cases were 32 cases (20.9%) of sinusitis patients, and in comparing with incidence (0. 6%) of allergic disease in total N.M.C. Pediatric patients, that in sinusitis patients is high. In allergy cases, asthma was most comon allergic disease (96.9%). 6) There is no significant differences in white blood cell count, ESR and follow-up paranasal sinus X-ray results between allergy cases and non-allergy cases except symptoms, total eosinophils count and IgE PRIST in serum.
Key Words: Sinusitis, Allergy

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