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A Case of Annular Pancreas.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1986;29(10):1147-1151.
Published online October 31, 1986.
A Case of Annular Pancreas.
Dong Wook Kim, Sang Taik Lee, Soo Yong Kim, Jeong Kwon Lee, Young Dae Kwon
Department of Pediatrics, Catholic Hospital, Daegu, Korea
Annular Pancreas 1례
김동욱, 이상택, 김수용, 이정권, 권영대
대구가톨릭병원 소아과
Annular pancreas is unusual cause of duodenal obstruction in neonatal period in which, pancreatic tissue forms a partial obstruction or complete ring encircling the duodenum. It develops as a result of malrotation or overgrowth of ventral anlage of the embryonic pancreas and frequently associated with other congenital anomalies. Since the first description by Tiedman in 1818 and first sucessful (surgical treatmetn) by Vidal in 1905 about 300 cases have been reported in the literratures. We experianced one case of annular pancreas accompanying duodenal stenosis with complete obstructing symptoms immediatly after birth. We report this case with brief review of literatures.
Key Words: Annular pancreas.

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