Clinical Studies on Sexual Precocity. |
Ki Seok Ahn, Duk Hi Kim |
Dept, of Ped., Yonsei Univ., College of Med” Seoul,Korea |
성조숙증에 대한 임상적 고찰 |
안기석, 김덕희 |
연세의대 소아과학교실 |
Abstract |
The majority of cases of sexual precocity is idiopathic, but it can be caused by the intracranial lesions,
gonadal or adrenal disorders. Clinical studies on the 33 cases of precocious puberty who visited the Dept, of Pediatrics of Yonsei Medical Center from Aug. 1978:to July 1984 were subjected in this study. The careful history taking, physical examination, radiologic and hormonal evaluation, and LHRH test were performed.
The results were as follows; 1) The 15 patients were proved as pseudosexual precocity; premature thelarche in 8 cases, premature pubarche in 2, congenital adrenal hyperplasia in 3, and drug induced precocity-in 2 cases. Among 18 cases of true sexual precocity, each one case of pineal teratoma and hypothyrodism was discovered, being the remainders idiopathic. 2) In male sexual prococity, the bone age and height age were progressed beyond the chronological age. The pubertal states were stage II or III according to Tanner*s criteria.
The serum concentrations of testosterone were increased to the levels in adults.
3) In female pseudosexual precocity, the bone age and height age were compatible with the chronological age. The breast or public hair developments showed Tanner stage II, but vaginal bleeding was not noted. The serum levels of estradiol, LH, and FSH were within normal ranges in almost all cases. The increase in concentrations of serum LH and FSH after synthetic LHRH injection was minimal.
4) In female true sexual precocity, the bone age and height age were advanced in majority of the cases.
The pubertal states were Tanner stage II or III. Vaginal bleeding was noted in 6 cases. The serum concentrations of estradiol, LH, and FSH were increased in all, and sharp increase in LH and FSH after LHRH injection was noted.
Key Words:
Sexual precocity. |