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A Case of Genetic Skeletal Dysplasias.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1985;28(11):1125-1129.
Published online November 30, 1985.
A Case of Genetic Skeletal Dysplasias.
Jeh Hoon Sin
Department of Pediatrics,Dong Bu City Hospital, Seoul,Korea
모녀간에서 발생한 다수 기형을 동반한 유전성 골격 부전증 (genetic skeletal dysplasia) 1례
시립동부병원 소아과
Genetic skeletal dysplasias(osteochondrodysplasias) are a heterogenous group of conditions characterized by disordered growth of the various components of the skeleton, leading to disproportionate short status, deformity, or other structural and functional abnormalities of individual skeletal elements. Author experienced a case of the genetic skeletal dysplasia newborn who was born in Dong Bu City Hospital.
Key Words: Genetic skeletal dysplasia

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