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Clinical Observation of Acute Viral Hepatitis in Childhood.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1985;28(11):1057-1065.
Published online November 30, 1985.
Clinical Observation of Acute Viral Hepatitis in Childhood.
Byung Hak Lim, Ki Ho Jang, Sang Geel Lee, Im Ju Kang
Department of Pediatrics,Fatima Hospitalt Taegu, Korea
소아 바이러스성 간염의 비교 및 혈청학적 관찰
임병학, 장기호, 이상길, 강임주
대구파티마병원 소아과
A clinical observation has been made on 127 cases who were admitted to the department of pediatrics, Fatima Hospital, Taegu, from January 1983 to June 1984 and following results was obtained. 1)Ratio of male to female cases was 3 : 1. 2)On admission, anorexia, nausea, fever and jaundice were significantly more common in HBsAg negative group but skin rash was more common in HBsAg positive group. 3)On admission, mean value of ESR was 23.2±9.6 mm/hr in HBsAg negative group and 11.8±4.8 mm/hr in HBsAg positive group. 4)On admission, mean value of TTT was 6.1±3.2 unit in HBsAg negative group and 3.9±3.2 unit in HBsAg positive group. 5)On admission, mean value of IgM was 194.4土71.4 mg% in HBsAg negative group and 4.7±87. 7 mg% in HBsAg positive group. 6)Among 41 cases with acute viral hepatitis B, positive rate of HBsAg was 69.2% and positive anti-HBc rate was 100%. 7)The rate of IgM anti HAV and HBsAg simultaneously positive was 8.3%. 8)In intrafamilial study of 27 HBsAg positive cases, positive rate of HBsAg among mother was 59.2%, whose incidence were higher than among father.
Key Words: Acute viral hepatitis, serum Bilirubin, ESR, IgM, TTT

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