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Two Case of Watson-Alagille Syndrome.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1985;28(10):1047-1051.
Published online October 31, 1985.
Two Case of Watson-Alagille Syndrome.
Heon Seok Han, Soo Heum Lim, Young Sun Kim, Jeong Kee Seo, Hyung Ro Moon
Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Watson-Alagille Syndrome 2례
한헌석, 임수흠, 김영선, 서정기, 문형로
서울대학교병원 소아과학교실
Watson-Alagille syndrome (Arteriohepatic dysplasia, Syndromatic paucity of interlobular bile duct), a disease characterized by chronic liver disease, characteristic facies, cardiova scular abnormalities, and vertebral arch abnormalities has paucity of interlobular bile ducts on histologic examination of liver. We experienced two cases of Watson-Alagille syndrome in a 7-month-old male infant and a 12-month-old male infant who had the chief complaint of prolonged jaundice. Both of them^were diagnosed as neonatal hepatitis. During follow-up period, they showed characteristic facies. Vertebral roentgenogram revealed arch anormalies and echocardiogram showed pulmonary valvular stenosis and ventricular septal defect on each case. The histologic examination of liver showed paucity of interlobular bile ducts. A brief review of related literatures was made.
Key Words: Watson-Alagille Syndrome(Arteriohepatic dysplasia, syndromatic paucity of interlobular bile duct)

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