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Serum IgE Levels and Incidence of Atopic Disease according to Infant Diet.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1985;28(8):751-755.
Published online August 31, 1985.
Serum IgE Levels and Incidence of Atopic Disease according to Infant Diet.
Jeong Wan Seo, Seung Joo Lee, Keun Lee
Department of Pediatrics,College of Medicine,Ewha Womans University
모유영 양과 우유영 양에 따른 혈청 IgE 변화 및 아토피성 질환의 발생
서정완, 이승주, 이근
이화여자대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
The role of breast feeding and dietary elimination of cow's milk as a mean of preventing atopic disease in infants remains controversial. From May 1983 to August 1984,the relationships between the type of feeding in early infancy and incidence of atopic disease were studied in 238 babies of less than 3 years of age and their serum IgE levels were compared. Followings are the summary of findings: 1)Mean serum IgE level in 137 babies who had been formula-fed for more rhan 3 months was 12.6 U/ml(ln 2.54±1.77) without significant difference compared to 16.2U/ml(ln 2.79土 1.62) of 91 babies who had been breast milk-fed for more than 3 months. 2)The incidence of atopic disease according to infant diet showed no significant difference between formula group(29.9%) and breast milk group(28.6%). 3)Mean serum IgE level in formula group who had history of atopic disease was 25.4 U/ ml(ln 3.24±1.81) without sinificant difference compared to 29.8 U/ml(ln 3.39±1.78) of breast milk group.
Key Words: Serum IgE levels, Atopic disease, Breast milk

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