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A Case of Congenital Asplenia Associated with Congenital Cardiac Malformation and Partial Situs Inversus.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1984;27(11):1113-1117.
Published online November 30, 1984.
A Case of Congenital Asplenia Associated with Congenital Cardiac Malformation and Partial Situs Inversus.
Jung Sim Choi1, Yoon Ho Kang1, Sook Young Lee1, Jin Sook Lee1, Kawng Ho Kim1, Soo Nam Lee2
1Department of Pediatrics,Inchon Christian Hospital,Inchon, Korea
2Department of Clinical Pathology,Inchon Christian Hospital,Inchon, Korea
선천성 심장기형 및 부분 내장전위를 동반한 선천성 무비장증 1 례
최정심1, 강윤호1, 이숙영1, 이진숙1, 김광호1, 이수남2
1인천기독병원 소아과
2인천기독병원 임상병리과
The postmortem finding in a 64 day-old Korean male of asplenia associated with congenital malformation of heart and partial situs inversus of the abdominal viscera has been presented. And results were as follows. 1. Heart 1) abscence of atrial septum with, triangular muscular band. 2) common atrioventricular orfice with, anomalous attachment. 3) univentricle. 2. Respiratory tract 1) bilateral trilobed lung. 2) chronic passive congestion of lung, bilateral. 3. Gastrointestinal tract 1) Right sided stomach, duodenum and pancreas. 2) Enlarsgment of left lobe of liver. 4. Abscence of spleen
Key Words: Congenital asplenia, Congenital cardiac malformation, Partial situs inversus.

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