A Case of Eosinophilia Associated with Paragonimiasis |
Chong Guk Lee, Kwon Kil Park, Yoon Taek Kim, Han Woong Choi |
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University Seoul, Korea |
肺吸虫症을 同伴한 Eosinophilia 1 例 |
李鍾國, 朴健吉, 金潤澤, 崔漢雄 |
서울大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
A case of eosinophilia associated with paragonimiasis in a llyear-old boy is reported. In his past history, 6weeks before the onset of this episode, he ate fresh water crabs inproperly cooked with his family. Peripheral blood showed marked eosinophilia (WBC: 42, 500/mm3, eosinophil: 82%). His father and mother also revealed to have paragonimiasis. The review of literature was made briefly.