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Rifampin Induced Nonresponsiveness to Steroid Therapy in Children with Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome .

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1984;27(5):506-510.
Published online May 31, 1984.
Rifampin Induced Nonresponsiveness to Steroid Therapy in Children with Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome .
Hae Il Cheong, Sang Bok Suk, Yong Choi, Kwang Wook Ko
Dept, of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
Minimal Change 신증후군 환아에 있어서 Rifampin에 의한 Steroid Nonresponsiveness
정해일, 석상복, 최 용, 고광욱
서울대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
We experienced three children with the biopsy proven minimal change nephrotic syndrome who had failed to respond to prednisolone, 60 mg/m2/d for 4 to 9 weeks due to concomittent administration of rifampin. Because rifampin is a known enzyme inducer of the liver like phenobarbital and dilantin which can increase the clearance of the other drugs such as steroid etc., rifampin were discontinued after the admission to our Hospital. All three patients responded to the same dose of prednisolone 7 to 9 days after the withdrawal of rifampin. We report here the clinical and laboratory data of these patients along with brief review of the literatures.
Key Words: Minimal change nephrotic syndrome, Nonresponsiveness to steroid therapy, RFP-steroid interaction

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