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Urine Sediments and Protein in Healthy Newborn Infants.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1983;26(12):1159-1167.
Published online December 31, 1983.
Urine Sediments and Protein in Healthy Newborn Infants.
Jeh Hoon Shin, Eui Soo Park, Woo Gill Lee, Chong Moo Park
Department of Pediatrics,Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul,Korea
정상 신생아의 뇨침사 및 단백에 관한 연구
신재훈, 박의수, 이우길, 박종무
한양대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
h7Routine urine examination in neonatal period is one of the most basic laboratory examination for early diagnosis of various diseases such, as urinary tract infection, congenital anomalies, and renovascular disorders etc. There are many methods to collect urine, but each of these methods has a problem, that is, catheterization causes urethral injury and ascending infection; suprapublic puncture is the most sterile method of urine collection in neonatal period, but causes bladder hemorrhage and intestinal injury; clean catch midstream urine is technically impossible in neonatal period. Recently new method such as pediatric urine collector widely used in most of developed countries. The auther studied the first day urine and the third day urine to analyze the urine sediments and protein by pediatric urine collector from April 1982 to March 1983 about the selected 578 newborn infant born from Hanyang University Hospital Department of Obstetrics. The study results were as follows: 1) White blood cells in urine per high power field: 0〜5 was, in the first urine, male 55.5%, female 76.0%, total 61.7% and in the second urine, male 69.3%, female 74.3%, total 70.8%. 0〜 10 was, in the first urine, male 74.2%, female 81.8%, total 76.5 and in the second urine, male 82.6%, female 90.1%, total 84.8%. Abnormal finding above 10 was, in the first urine, total 23.5% and in the second urine, total 15.2%. 2) Red blood cells in urine per high power field: 0〜 5 was, in the first urine, 98.9% and in the second urine, 98.8%. Abnormal finding above 5 was in the first and second urine, 1.2% respectively. 3) Epitherial cells in urine per high power field: 0〜5 was, in the first uriiffe, 70.9% and in the second urine, 82.4%. Abnormal finding above 5 was, in the first urine, 29.1% and in the second urine, 17.6%. 4) Casts in urine per low power field was mostly granular cast, but the frequency was 0.3%, 5) Crystals in urine per low power field was mostly amorphousurate besides uric acid and calcium oxalate. 6) Protein contents in urine was, in the first urine, negative 60.3%, trace 16.5% and in the second urine, negative 73.2%, trace 12.3%. Abnormal finding above 1+ was in the first urine, 23.2% and in the second urine, 14.5%. 7) The degree of sediment and protein in second urine was reduced comparing to first urine because it was suggested that the physiologic function of new born infants was progressively adapted to external environment. By the study results, we will establish the normal standard criteria of urine in healthy newborns by pediatric urine collector.
Key Words: Urine Sediments(WBC, RBC, Epithelial cell, Cast, Crystal) Protein, Newborn Infants

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