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A Case of Precocious Pseudopuberty due to Granulosa Cell Tumor in an Infant.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1983;26(8):835-839.
Published online August 31, 1983.
A Case of Precocious Pseudopuberty due to Granulosa Cell Tumor in an Infant.
Young Ran Choi, Youn Ha Kang, Kyo Sun Kim, Chang Hyo Lee
Department of Pediatrics, Kangnam Hospital Public Corporation, Seoul, Korea
要兒에서 假性 性早熟症을 誘發한 顆拉膜 細胞腫 1例
최영란, 강연하, 김교순, 이창효
지방공사 강남병원 소아과
We have experienced a case of precocious psevdopuberty due to granulosa cell tumor in a female infant, aged 11 months. She had whitish vaginal discharge and two episcdes of vaginal bleedirg one month apart. The breasts were markedly enlarged for her age but pubic ard axillary hair were not noticed. Recto abdominal examination revealed a firm, adult wrist sized, globular mass, movable ard nontender in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen. Plasma estradiol was 214.51 pg/ml (female with normal menstrual cycle 100〜 150 pg/ml, at term 6,000〜40,000 pg/ml). At laparotomy a cystic right ovarian tumor(14X6X8 cm) was found and a right salphingooophorectomy was done. The histopathological diagnosis was granulosa cell tuiror, right ovary. Serum estradiol, checked on the 7th post operation day, was 23.94 pg/ml. She was discharged in good condition on the loth post-operation day. Follow up check was not done, so we couldn’t confirm the regression of the sexual precocity.
Key Words: Precocious Pseudopuberty, Granulosa cell tumor, Infant.

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