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Prolonged Fever in Infants and Children.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1983;26(5):449-454.
Published online May 31, 1983.
Prolonged Fever in Infants and Children.
Jeh Hoon Shin, Jin Woo Han, Sang Yoon Lee, Woo Gill Lee, Soo Jee Moon, Chong Moo Park
Department of Pediatrics, Hanyang University College of Medicine Seoul, Korea
소아의 장기열
신재훈, 한진우, 이상윤, 이우길, 문수지, 박종무
한양대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Although fever is one of the most common symptoms seen in the pediatric field, we often have met problems in diagnosis and treatment because the etiology is sometimes obscure. We clinically reviewed one hundred patients admitted to Hanyang University Hospital from Sept. 1978 to Dec. 1981 with the chief problem of fever over 38.5°C for longer than two weeks. Final diagnosis of patients with prolonged fever were as follows: 81 cases(81 %) were infectious disease, 9 cases(9%) collagen disease, 5 cases(5%) undiagnosed. Infection was the most common etiology of prolonged fever in all age groups. The diagnosis was done by means of careful history taking, physical examination and a various tests. Comparing the routine tests and CRP & ESR, we found the CRP & ESR tests were more reliable than the routine test(CBC, urinalysis, X-ray) in the diagnosis of patients with prolonged fever. The CRP & ESR tests were positive in all patients. Therefore it is suggested the CRP &ESR tests must be done in all patients with prolonged fever.
Key Words: CRP, ESR, Prolonged fever.

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