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Phototherapy for Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1983;26(1):8-13.
Published online January 31, 1983.
Phototherapy for Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia.
Il Suck Chang, Chong Ku Yun
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine’ Seoul National University
신생아 황달시 광선요법 -청색광 및 백색광 비교와 용량-반응 관계-
장일석, 윤종구
서을대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Daylight phototherapy group (27 newborn infant) were compared with blue light photother- apy group (43 newborn infant) in serum total bilirubin decrements with phototherapy.; study A. For the purpose of dose-response relationship, 4 group (total 60 newborn infant) were compared the effectiveness of phototherapy based on radiant reflux (study B); Group 1, 5.46±0.65 ㎼/cm2.nm(mean±SD) Group 2,4.48±0.70 ㎼/cm2. nm (mean±SD) Group 3,3.28±0.4Z/㎼/cm2. nm (mean±SD) Group 4, 2.56±0.38㎼ /cm2.nm(mean±SD). All reflux determination, were made within the 400 〜 500 nm range. The results were as follows: 1) Effectiveness of phototherapy was showed above the level of mean 2.56 /㎼/cm2.nm. 2) In Study A, There is more significant effectiveness in blue phototherapy group thanwhite phototherapy group in. 24 hrs decrement of bilirubin. After 24 hrs, no significant changes were noted between two groups. 3) Total duration of therapy in blue phototherapy group was more shortened than that in. white phototherapy group, (study A) The higher the reflux level, the more shortened the total duration of therapy was found. 4) In study B, dose-response relationship was not significant by analysis of variance. That seems to be due to narrow margin of reflux (Mean; 5.46 — 2.56 /㎼/cm2.nm) and low level of total serum bilirubin(12〜 13 mg%).
Key Words: Phototherapy, daylight and blue light, reflux, dose-time relationship.

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