Studies on Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia and Exchange Transfusion |
Sun Hi Lee, Chang Joo Cho, Ki Young Lee, Dong Shik Chin |
Department of Ped. Yonsei University,College of Medicine |
新生兒 重症 黃疸과 交換輸血의 臨床的 考察 |
李順喜, 害昌周, 李芮事, 陳東植 |
延世大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
78 cases of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia who had exchange transfusion were studied clinically.
They were admitted to Severance Hospital from July 1962 to June 1971 and the results were as follows.
1. They were consisted of 37 cases (47.4%) of ABO incompatibliity, 16 cases of physiologic
jaundice (20. 0%), 8 cases of Rh incompatibility (10. 0%) and 2 cases of septicemia (2.6%),
15 cases (20%) revealed no outstanding causes of jaundice and male to female ratio was 2 : 1.
2. In most cases, jaundice were appeared on 2nd to 3rd day and exchange transfusions were
performed on 3rd to 5th day after birth.
3. Blood types of mother-baby in ABO incompatibility were O-B (49%), O-A (37%) and A-B (8%)
in oder of frequency.
4. 41% of cases were perforoned more than one exchange transfusions and 11 cases had received
exchange transfusions more than 3 times.
5. Indications for exchange transfusions were most commonly seen in the cases with high serum
bilirubin level (20mg% or more) within 5 days ofter birth and positive direct coombs test in Rh negative cases
6. 4 cases (10%) were developed kernicterus. 10 cases〔12.2%) were succumbed after exchange
transfusion and most of them were premature babies.