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Epidemiologic and Clinical Study of Mucocutaneous Lymphnode Syndrome in Korea.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1982;25(10):977-993.
Published online October 31, 1982.
Epidemiologic and Clinical Study of Mucocutaneous Lymphnode Syndrome in Korea.
Du Bong Lee, Kyong Su Lee, Byung Churl Lee, Ik Jun Lee
Department of Pediatrics,Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea
급성 열성 피부점막 임파절 증후군 (Kawasaki 병) 의 역학 및 임상적 연구
이두봉, 이경수, 이병철, 이익준
카톨릭의과대학 소아과학교실
Mucocutaneous Lymphnode Syndrome (MCLS) becomes familiar to pediatrician recently as a new disease entity. However, the pathogenesis of this syndrome is not know yet. Since Dr. Kawasaki’s first cases had reported in 1963, over 30,000 cases of this disease has "been reported in Japan. This study was undertaken to know the epidemiologic status of this dis- ease in this country. The materials were collected from fourty-three general hospitals and four rural private clinics by the questionaire. On the other hand 202 sick infants, visited at our hospital, were selected randomely for epidemiologic study. The total number of patients were 321 cases from 1973 to June 1981. Out of 321 cases, 253 were reported from Seoul, capital city of Korea, and Pusan. The antral number of pati- ents in each year were as follows; eight in 1973, each three in. 1974 and 1975, one in 1976, six in 1977, 30 in 1978, 133 in 1979, 137 in 1980 to June 1981. There were the tendency of increase in number of patient year by year after 1978. And an epidemic outbreak was noted from Nov. 1979 to Feb 1980. This disease tended to occur in infants and young children, 292 (90.6%) were under four years of age and 63.3% of them was below two years of age. The ratio of male to female was 2:1. The occurrence of this disease was not reated to season and occured sporatically through the year except the epidemic outbreak. In the relation between occurrence of patients and their circumstance, the number of sib- lings, the methodes of feeding, the locations of residental area and the number of immunizat- ions seemed to be correlated statistically, with the occurrence of petients. The incidences of each major symptome were almost as same as the original description by Dr. Kawasaki. They were noted as follows: fever (continued over five days) in 87%, indurative edema of hand and foot in 97%, erythema of palm and sole in 87%, membranous desquamation in 88%, rash in 84%, scleral injection in 88.8%, reddness of lip in 93.4%, strawberry tongue in 72.8%, injection of oral mucous membrane in 92% and cervical lymph- adenopathy in 81.9%. The incidence of cardiac complication, which was found by chest X-ray, ECG and auscult- ation was 36.8% in the cases examined. In above all collected cases, two of them had report- ed as died by cardiac complication.
Key Words: MCLS

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