The Clinical Study of Guillain-Barre Syndrome in Children |
W.H. Rhee, Y.K. Jang, D.H. Ahn, K.C. Sohn |
Department of Pediatrics, N.M.C. |
소아의 Guillain-Barr6증후군에 대한 임상적 고찰 |
이원희, 장영기, 안돈희, 손근찬 |
국립의료원 소아과 |
Abstract |
The studies on the 31 cases, diagnosed as Guillain-Barre syndrome in pediatric department at NMC from Jan. 1963 to Dec. 1974 are reviewed. The results are followings: 1) The sex ratio of male to female is 5: 1. The most prevalent age is 3~6 years. 2)There is no definite decreasing tendency in yearly distribution and summer was the most prevalent season. 3) The overage of the hospitalizaticn was around 25~30 days and 60% of the cases had
preceding disease, most of them were U.R.I. 4)The 35% of cases had muscle weakness or paralysis and 43% had muscle aches as the C.C. at the time of admission. 5) Most of the case showed evidence of limb paralysis within 5 days after the onset of preceding ill-ness and the recovery was faster in paralysis of upper limb than lower one and
it took avg. 4 mo. for complete recovery. 6)The CSF exam revealed, most of the cases had normal cell count but the only 30% of them had normal protein level. 7)The steroid therapy was started within 5days after admission in 26 cases (1mg/kg in dosage) and good result was obtained in 85% cases. 8)The recovery rate was 77% and death rate was 10%, 3 cases.