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A Case of Meningomyelocele Combined with Arnold-Chiari Malformation.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1981;24(12):1193-1196.
Published online December 15, 1981.
A Case of Meningomyelocele Combined with Arnold-Chiari Malformation.
Kyu Youp Kim, Hyeon Soo Park, Heung Jae Lee, Keun Soo Lee
Department of Pediatrics,College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
Arnold-Chiari 轉形을 同伴한 髓膜脊髓瘤 剖檢例
金圭燁, 朴賢洙, 李興在, 李護洙
漢陽大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
We had experienced a case of meningomyelocele combined with Arnold-Chiari malformation. This neonate had her birth weight of 2,960 gm after 41 weeks of gestation. At birth, he noticed the Apgar Score of 0, so he was resuscitated immediately. On physical examination, he noticed large head and fist sized mass on back. Inspite of intensive care, he was expired at 2 hours after birth. We confirmed this case by-autopsy, and report this rare case with brief review of the related literature.
Key Words: Arnold-Chiari malformation, meningomyelocele

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