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A Study on the differences in Blood Pictures of Premature Babies and Term Babies.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1981;24(7):625-637.
Published online July 15, 1981.
A Study on the differences in Blood Pictures of Premature Babies and Term Babies.
Ko Chang Kim1, Chong Moo Park2
1Department of pediatrics, National Police Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of pediatrics, graduaate school of HanYang University, Seoul, Korea.
미숙아와 정상만삭분만아의 혈액학적 변동에 관한 비교관찰
김고창1, 박창무2
1국립경찰병원 소아과
2한양대학교 소아과 지도교수
The author has studied on the differences in blood pictures, especially the differences of blood pictures in capillary blood and venous blood, in 25 premature babies and 50 term babies from birth to 7 days of age sequentially during the period of 6 monts from April 1980 to Sept. 1980. The results are summarized as follws; 1. As comparing blood pictures with term babies, premature babies showed somewhat lower values in erythrocyte, hemoglobin, hematocrit. MCV, MCH, leucocyte and platelet but somewhat higher values in reticulocyte and MCHC. 2. As comparing blood pictures with the venous blood, the capillary blood showed significantly higher values in erythrocyte, hemoglobin and hematocrit during the neonatal period in both premature babies and term babies, but showed somewhat lower values in MCV, MCH, MCHC, and platelet. 3. According to the time of clamping the umbilical cord after birth, there were significant differences of blood pictures between early and late clamping of the umbilical cord. 4. The highest mean erythrocyte counts in both term babies and premaature babies were 5,896,000/cub.mm and 5,542,000/cub.mm at 3-6 hours after birth. Those values were gradually decreased to 5,104,000/cub.mm and 4,753,000/cub.mm on the 6th-7the day of life. 5. The highest average hemoglobin levels in both term babies and premature babies were 21.1gm/dl and 19.5gm/dl at 3-6 hours after birth. Those values were gradually decreased to 18.1gm/dl and 17.1gm/dl on the 6th-7th day of life. 6. The mean values of hematocrit in both term babies and premature babies were higest, 64.5% and 59.9% at 3-6 hours after birth. Those values were gradually decreased to 54.8% and 50.2% on the 6th-7the of life. 7. The average total serum protein levels in both term babies and premature babies were 5.76gm/dl and 5.22gm/dl at birth. Those values were increased to 6.45gm/dl and 5.74gm/dl at 3- hours after birth. 8. The average MCV in both term babies and premature babies showed highest values, 114.2fl and 110.1fl at birth. Those values were gradually decreased to 107.0fl and 103.4fl on the 6th-7th day of life. 9. The average MCH in both term babies and premature babies showed highest values, 36.8pg and 35.3pg at birth. Those values were gradually decreased to 107.0fl and 103.4fl on the 6th-7th day of life. 10. The average MCHC in both term babies and premature babies showed constant levels, 31.3-32.0% and 32.2-33.1% from birth to 7the day of life. 11. The average platelet counts in both term babies and premature babies were 243,000/cub.mm and 229,000/cub.mm during the first 4 days of life. Those values were gradually increased to 283,000/cub.mm and 253,000/cub.mm on the 6th-7the day of life. 12. The highest reticulocyte counts in both term babies and premature babies were 3.1% and 3.6% at the age of 3-6 hours. Those values were rapidly dropped down from 4th day to 7th day of life, decreasing from 1.7% and 1.9% to 1.0% and 1.3%. 13. The highest llecucyte counts in both term babies and premature babies were 25,794/cub.mm and 23,363/cub.mm at the age of 3-6 hours. Both values were gradually decreased to 13,213/cub.mm and 11,870/cub.mm on the 6th-7th day of life.
Key Words: blood pictures, capillary blood, venous blood, premature baby, term baby, early and late clamping of the umbilical cord, early neonatal period

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