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The Incidence of HBs Antigenemia in Glomerular Desease and Control Group in Children.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1981;24(2):122-127.
Published online February 15, 1981.
The Incidence of HBs Antigenemia in Glomerular Desease and Control Group in Children.
Yong Choi, Whan Jong Lee, Jeong Kee Seo, Kwang Wook Ko
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Korea.
小兒 腎疾患 患兒 및 對照群에 있어서의 HBsAg 陽性率
崔 鏞, 李煥鍾, 徐起璂, 高光昱
서울大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
HBsAg, HBcAb and HBsAb were examined with radio-immunoassay in 265 patients with glomerular disease, who were admitted to wards or visited to outpatient clinics of department of pediatrics, Seoul National University Hospital, from Jan., 78 to Oct. 80, and in 576 control group, with other than liver disease and without history of transfusion. The incidence in glomerular disease was 10.2%(27 of 265 patients)-nephrotic syndrome 9.2%(12 of 130); acute glomerulonephritis 7.3%(5 of 68), recurrent hematuria 7.7%(2 of 26), H-S nephritis 25%(3 of 12), chronic renal failure 21%(3 of 14), and the others 13.3%(2 of 15), while the incidence of HBs antigenemia in control group was 5.03%(29 of 576 patients)-male 5.5%(21 of 362), female 4.2%(8 of 214). The overall incidence of HBs antigenemia in renal disease was statistically higher than that of control group(p<0.05), though the respective incidences of the above each renal disease group were somewhat higher than that of control group, however they were not statistically significant, The incidence of positive rate of HBsAb and/or HBcAb in control group was 26.7%(56 of 209), and that in renal disease was 23%(18 of 578).
Key Words: HBsAg, HBsAg-Positive rate, Glomerular disease, Control group

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