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Clinical Observation on Large Infants of Gestational Diabetic Mothers.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1980;23(7):534-542.
Published online July 15, 1980.
Clinical Observation on Large Infants of Gestational Diabetic Mothers.
Tae Sung Chung
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Busan National University, Korea.
임신성 당뇨병 산모에서 출생한 거대아의 임상적 관찰
부산대학교 의과대학 소아과학 교실
Clinical observation about 34 infants of gestational diabetic mothers(IGDM) and 4 infants of overt diabetic mothers(IDM) was attempted on the 388 large infants(above 4kg.) among 9,263 neonates, who were delivered at the Ilshin Women's hospital during 19 months from Jan. 1977 to July 1978. Birth characteristics, maternal history and perinatal complications were compared with control group of non-diabetic mothers. The results were summerized as follows : 1. The frequency of large infants was 4.2%. Among the large infants, IGDM were 8.8% and IDM were 1.0%. 2. The mean birth weight of IGM ranging in gestational age from 38 to 44 weeks was 4,240gm. No relationship between gestational age and birth weight was noticed. 3. The clinical features of IGDM were asymptomatic hypoglycemia (14.7%), hyperbilir ubinemia(11.8%), Apgar score below 6 at 1min(8.8%), and cogenital mal-formations(5.9%)in order of frequency. But no remarkable difference was noticed between IGDM and control group. 4. Compared with control group, the incidence of gestational diabetic mothers with toxemia and complicated pregnancy was higher. But no diffenence was found about maternal history and other perinatal problems. 5. Among 4 cases of IDM, two with hyperbilirubinemia, Apgar score below 6 at 1 min. and asymptomatic hypoglycemia and one with congenital malformations were noted. One case expired with respiratory distress syndrome.

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