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A Case of Letterer-Siwe Disease.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1980;23(3):252-256.
Published online March 15, 1980.
A Case of Letterer-Siwe Disease.
Gyung Hee Kim, Choong Hee Kim, Keun Lee, Chul Kyu Kim
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicaine, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.
Letterer-Siwe 씨 병의 1예
김경희, 김충희, 이 근, 김철규
이화여자대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
The patient was presented characteristic clinical, histopathological and X-ray findings, in cluding generalized edema, petechial rash, lymphadenopathy, bone lesions, pulmonary infiltration and hepatomegaly with anemia. Most of these signs developed soon after birth. Diagnosis was confirmed by microscopic examin ation of lymph node biopsy and clinical X-ray findings. The patient was received antibiotics, corticosteroid and vinblastine and discharged against doctors order without improvement.

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