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Observation on the Change of Body Weight and Calory Intake in Neonatal Period of Prematurity.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1980;23(3):210-219.
Published online March 15, 1980.
Observation on the Change of Body Weight and Calory Intake in Neonatal Period of Prematurity.
Sook Ja Kim, Young Hun Chung
Department or Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Chung Nam National University, Dae Jeon, Korea.
未熟兒의 初期 體重變化와 攝取量에 對한 觀察
金淑子, 鄭鏞憲
忠南大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
Among 152 premature infants admitted to Nursery of Chung Nam National University Hospital between Jan, 1975 & December 1977. We selected 44 premature babies who were clinically normal, 30 to 37 weeks aged gestationally, 1000 to 2200 gm weighed at birth and admitted within 24hrs after birth & observed mainly on the change of their body weight & intake from birth to 20 days of age to obtain the normal values of physical growth calory and water requirements in neonatal period of premature infants. We also stuied on relation of the gestation age to body weight & feeding method, degree of initial weight loss, duration of regain to birth weight & duration from birth to 2200 gm of body weight by various age & body weight. The results were as follows: 1. Distributions of birth weight by gestational age were similar to that of Lubchenco's in 33 to 35 weeks group but higher in 30 to 32 weeks one and lower in 36 to 37 weeks group. 2. During the first week after birth, 69% of all cases were nursed by gavage & 6% being by mixed feeding. Gavage feeding was given to 89% of cases in 30 to 32 weeks group, 77% in 33 to 35 weeks one and 44% in over 36 weeks group. 3. Inital weight loss was less than 4% in 30%, 5 to 9% in 45% and over 10% in 25% of all cases. 4. Body weight was regained to birth weight within 5 days in 7% 5 to 10 days in 43%, 10 to 15days in 23% and over 15days in 27% of all cases and appeared to be rapidly returned to birth weight in order ^ heavier group. 5. Daily body weight was increased average 15 gm for the first 20days after birth, decreased 3.7 to 19.5 gm, lost 3.7 to 19.5 gm till 4 days, gained 11.0 to 28.5 gm after 5 days, elevated 14gm from the day regained to 10days and 24gm from 11 days to 20 days of age. 6. Daily amonunt of calory intake was shown average 142.5 cal. For the first 20days, 40.5 to 66cal till 4 days and 103 to 145cal after 5 days of age. 7. Daily amount of water intake was seen same tendency as calory intake, 191.5cc for the first 20 days, 73.5 to 120.5cc until 4 days and 145.5 to 193.5cc after 5days of age.

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