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A Study of the Newborn Associated with hiigh Risk Factor?.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1979;22(4):300-305.
Published online April 15, 1979.
A Study of the Newborn Associated with hiigh Risk Factor?.
Gwi Jong Ghoi
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Hangyang University, Seoul, Korea.
High Risk Factor 를 同伴한 新生兒에 關한 硏究
漢陽大學技 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
The author studied hiigh Risk Factor during a period of 1 year from July 1975 to June 1976 Among 1129 of newborns who were admitted to our nursery, 494 cases of the newborn were associated with hiigh risk factor? Following results were obtained : 1) The newborn associated with ?high risk factor?were 494 cases and about 44%,2) There was similar distribution in both sexes, 258 male to 236 female 3) The distribution of the newborn according to the risk factors was as follows: a. Meconium stained amniotic fluid(140 cases) b. Toxemia(121 cases) c. Cesarean section(120 cases) d. Birth weight under 2,500gm. Or over 4,000gm.(115 cases) e. Prematurity (92 cases) f. Multiple pregnancy(53 cases), in given order of frequency. 4) Among a total of 15 expired cases, 11 were premature-born. 5) Non-risk factor group were taken antepartum care in high percentage(77.3%), but high risk factor group in very low percentage(37.2%)

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