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Clinical Study on Newborn Infants Born by Vacuum Extraction.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1977;20(8):607-612.
Published online August 31, 1977.
Clinical Study on Newborn Infants Born by Vacuum Extraction.
Se Jin Kang, Yong Kwan Kim, Kwang Yo Kim, Young Soon Yoon
Department of Pediatrics, KoreaUniversity College of Medicine, Korea.
吸引分娩兒에 對한 臨床的 觀察
姜世鎭, 金容雍, 金光姚, 尹英順
高麗大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
Clinical study was made on 675 cases of newborn infant who were born by vacuum extraction during the period of January 1971 through December 1975. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The incidence of vacuum extraction among 4,153 deliveries was 16.3% and there was a slight decreasing tendency annually. 2. The highest maternal age incidence was 26 to 30 years of age and vacuum extraction rate was higher in primipara (75.6%) than multipara (24.4%). 3. There were more male (62.2%) than female (37.8%) and 91.6% of the infants were born with 40 to 41 weeks of gestational age and 89.3% of in infants weighing between 2,500 to 4,000g at birth. 4. The majority (774.6%) of the newborn infant had good (10) Apgar score at one minute and only 5.6%had score below 7. 5. The major complication was head injuries and which were 91.1% of increased size of caput succedaneum, 3.1% of scalp abrasion, 3.4% of cephalhematoma, 0.3% of intracranial hemorrhage, and 0.3% of linear skull fracture, Visible jaundice was found in 9.0% of the newborn infants among those 80.3% showed total serum bilirubin level of 15mg/100ml or less, 19.7% showed 20mg/100ml or more but there was no case of severe jaundice required exchange transfusion.

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