Clinical Study of Pertussis |
Hak Hye Kim, Kook Ja Lee |
Department of Pediatrics, Ewha Womans University Hospital Seoul, Korea |
百日味에 대한 임상적 관찰 |
金鶴惠, 李菊子 |
梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
Review of our study with pertussis is presented in a series of 166 cases in Ewha Womans University
Hospital from Jan. 1966 to Aug. 1969. Pertussis is still remained as the most significant infectious
disease under 1 year.
Clinical study o£ pertussis is showed as followings:
1. Incidence of pertussis during pediatric age is slightly increased recently comparing with the previous
observation in spite of adequate mass immunization and antibiotics.
2. 75 out of 166 patients were under 1 year of age (45. 4%). Sex ratio showed no difference.
3. Observation and comparison of morbidity is 40.36%, 59. 64% when patients were exposed into
vaccinated group and non vaccinated group respectively.
4. Our study showed that paroxismal coughing with whoop, fever, vomiting after coughing, flushing
face were seen in majority and sputum, nasal bleeding/ convulsion, auditory bleeding infrequently.
5. Leukocyte count revealed wideVariation(6,000〜50,000) and from moderate to marked leukocytosis
showed 80%.
6. Complication due to pertussis" revealed 4.2% (7 cases), and they were bronchopneumonia nasal
bleeding, otitis media, convulsion in order.
7. Combination of chloramphenicoal and pertussis vaccination showed more favorable result in our series.