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Clinical Review of Neonatal Tetanus (104 cases)(1960 -1975).

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1977;20(5):384-392.
Published online May 31, 1977.
Clinical Review of Neonatal Tetanus (104 cases)(1960 -1975).
Suk Kyor Cha
Department of pediatrics, Yonsei University Collegeof Medicine Seoul, Korea.
신생아 파상풍의 임상적 고찰
연세대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Neonatal tetanus is still one of the serious problems in Korea because of its relatively high incidence. The incidence of neonatal tetanus has not changed during the past 16 years, and the motality rate is still high even with newer methods of treatment. This paper reviewed the epidemiological aspects and clinical courses of 104 cases of neonatal tetanus treated during 1960 to 1975 at Dept. of Pediatrics, Severance Hospital. 1. Of 104 cases, 92 casrs (88%) delivered in contaminated environments. Umblical cord contamination by unsterile instrument was frequent source of infection. 2. The unmber of boys was greater than the unmber of girls, with male: female ratio of 3.7:1. 3. The most cases appeared in summer. 4. The incubation period was usually 5 to 6 days. 5. the clinical feature may be summerized an follow: poor sucking, convulsion, trismus and rigidity. 6. Despite treatment, 71 cases (68%) died. Motality did not vary significantly with different dosages of tetanus antitoxin but with diazepam (Valium). The most fatal cases associated with short incubation period high fever on admission.

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