The Clinical Fxperience in Treatment of Tetanus Neonatrum
Chai Sum Chang, Min Za Lee, Bo Ok Lee, Choong Gee Chung, Yun Soon Kim |
新生兒 被傷風의 治驗 |
張在運, 李敏子, 李轉玉, 鄭 忠 基, 金 然 順 |
韓 電 病院 小兒科 |
Abstract |
Eight patients with tetanus neonatrum were treated with the conventional therapy. In most of the cases
the age of onset was within seven days ranging four days to ten days. Three of the eight patients died
within three days after institution of therapy (37.5% mortality). There appears to be little correlation between the age of onset and the prognosis. Devouted nursing care along with the improved serum therapy might cause the better result comparing the previous report.