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The Treatment of Intussusception

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1964;7(5):179-181.
Published online December 31, 1964.
The Treatment of Intussusception
Jip Kim1, Han Chull Lee1, Chui Sung Suh2
1Dept of Ped. Taegu Presbyterian Hosp.
2Dept, of Rad. Taegu Presbyterian Hosp.
腸重疊의 治療
金 潗1, 李漢喆1, 徐哲星2
2大邱東山基督病院 放射線科
1.A hydrostatic treatment with barium enema was tried on: 25 cases of intussusception admitted to this hospital during the period of April 1963 to June 1964. It resulted in the failure of complete reduction on 3 cases, but succeeded with 22 cases in complete reduction. The hydrostatic treatment with barium enema has been the initial treatment of choice for children with uncomplicated ileo-colic intussusception at the Presbyterian Hospital, Taegu, Korea. 2.The duration of disease does not have any relation to the point of the intussusception. 3. Five cases with symptoms persisting longer than 48 hours, 2 cases of which were longer than 5 days, had successful reduction of their intussusception with hydrostatic pressure. This confirms the impression that the duration of symptoms does not necessarily contraindicate the treatment with hydrostatic pressure. The existance of gangrene, adhesion and peritonitis becomes a contraindication. 4.During the hydrostatic treatment, or following this treatment, there was no death which could be attributed to it. 5. The average hospital stay for hydrostatic treatment cases was 2 days. The expense is 1/5 in proportion to the surgical treatment group.

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