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Clinical Observation of Intussusception in Infancy and Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1975;18(5):376-382.
Published online May 31, 1975.
Clinical Observation of Intussusception in Infancy and Children
Moon Eung Kim, Hyung Sun Yoon, Chong Moo Park
Department of Pediatrics, Han Yang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
小兒 腸重量症의 臨床的 觀察
金文應, 尹字善, 朴鍾皮
漢陽大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
A review of 46 consecutive cases of intussusception in infants and children, who were admitted to the department of Pediatrics and surgery of our hospital from May 1972 to January 1975, was presented. Following could be summarized; 1) In age incidence, 82.6% of the patients was under one year of age, and 95.6% of the patients was under two years of age. The peak incidence occured from 4th to 6 th month. 2)Male patients were more often affected than female patients, and it’s ratio was 1.6 : 1. 3)In seasonal incidence, there were prevalent (60.9%) in spring and summer. 4)In 67.4% of cases, their body weights were over 50 percentile of Korean normal infants- and children. 5)Etiologic causes were found only in 4.4% of them and rest of them (95.6%) were idiopathic 6) In analysis of anatomical type, the following were presented in order; ileo-colic (63%), ileo-ileo-colic (15.2%), ileo-ileal and colo-colic (6.5%), ileo-colo-colic type (4.4%), 7)The cardinal symptoms and signs were vomiting (93.5%), mucous bloody stool (80.4%), pain (76%),palpable abdominal mass (67.4%), in order. 8) The reduction rate of barium enema was 65.9%, and this rate was increased in the folio wing cases; ⑴ early visiting, (2) the infants between 7 th and 12 th month, (3) ileo-colic and colo-colic type. 9)The recurrence after first reduction was occured in 2.2% of cases, and the complications after surgery were obtained in 4.4% of cases. There were no deaths.

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