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Efiects on Urine Volume by Administration of Various Drugs in Diabetes Insipidus

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1962;5(3):177-182.
Published online July 31, 1962.
Efiects on Urine Volume by Administration of Various Drugs in Diabetes Insipidus
Yong Kyu Lee
Dept, of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University.
尿康症患者에 있어서 各種藥物이 尿量變動에 미치는 影響
李 康 吉
서울犬學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
Studies on the effects to the urine output, S. G and osmolality after administration of various drugs were performed for a patient of diabetes insipidus. (1)There was no changes on urine output during hypertonic saline infusion. (2)There was a remarkable decrease in urine volume immediately after injection of pitressin. (3)There was a consistant decrease in urine volume during and after cigarette smoking. (4) The nicotine effect was antagonized by administration of various drugs, e.g. caffein, ephedrine, atropine, adrenalin and coramine. (6) There was no change in urine volume by administration of chloropromazine or hydrocortisone

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