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The Clinical Statistical observation of Congenital Syphilis

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1971;14(3):175-180.
Published online March 31, 1971.
The Clinical Statistical observation of Congenital Syphilis
Buem Soo Roh, Kyung Ja Lee, Yong II Lee, Sang Jhoo Lee
Department of Pediatrics, Han'll Hospital
先天梅毒의 臨床統計的 觀察
盧範洙, 李慶子, 李康一, 李尙柱
韓一病院 小兒科
The authors observed 31 cases of congenital syphilis in the newborn and infants treated at pediatric ward of Han-Il Hospital during the period from Jan. 1965 to Feb. 1671. The results are as follows. 1)The number of patients was 31 cases, 23 in male and 8 in female. 2)The incidence of congenital syphilis in the newborn infants who were delivered at our nursery was 0.24% in full-term baby and 3. 03% in premature baby. 3)Clinical manifestations were developed at neonatal period in 20 cases and within the first year of life in 11 cases. 4)The most common symptoms and signs are anemia (100%), skin lesions (54. 8%), underweight (48. 8%), hepatosplenomegaly (64. 5%), bony changes (61%) and rhinitis (19. 4%). 5)In serologic test (VDRL), there were positive in total patients, 17 of 31 cases in father and 28 of 31 cases in mother; patients had the higher serologic titer than their parents. 6)Skin lesions were rapidly improved during the therapy, but hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, bony changes were persisted for a long time. 7)Three of 31 cases were expired and two of them iwere died within 24 hours after admission and one due to pneumonia. 8)We made review of literature briefly.

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