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Scabies In Infants

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1976;19(6):416-420.
Published online June 30, 1976.
Scabies In Infants
Hae Jin Kim, Kwang Sup Lee, Kibok Kim
Department of Pediatrics Kwangju Christian Hospital Kwangju, Korea
嬰兒에 있어서의 疥癬
金惠眞, 李光變, 金基福
光州基督病院 小兒科
Many the pediatric patients have skin troubles, which require precise knowledge of the pediatrician about common skin diseases of children. Recently scabies seems to be increasing in spite of more improved living conditions in this: country. The diagnosis of this dermatosis is frequently missed in infants, because of a lack of the characteristic findings seen in adult patients, frequent simulation of other common skin diseases and lack of precise knowledge on the part of doctor. This report on four infants with scabies is presented to put emphasis on the importance o£ scabies in the differential diagnosis of common skin diseases of babies.

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