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Recurrent acute Intussusception

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1976;19(10):722-727.
Published online October 31, 1976.
Recurrent acute Intussusception
Kun Hee Park1, In Kee Paick1, Ji Sup Oh1, Chin Moo Kang1, Jip Kim2
1Department of Pediatricsy Presbyterian Hospital, Taegu, Korea
2Kim Jip Pediatric Clinic
再發한 腸重疊症 2例
朴健熙1, 白仁基1, 吳智變1, 姜眞無1, 金 潗2
Two cases of recurrent acute intussception in a 11 month old female and a 7 month old male infants who had experienced 8 recurrences were presented. Surgical correction was performed in both cases, followed by 6 recurrences in case I and no recurrence in case I, and no definite etiologic factors, except movable cecum in case I and mesenteric lymphadenopathies in both cases were found. Brief review of literatures was made.

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