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An Autopsied Case of Congenital Stomach Perforation

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1973;16(5):392-396.
Published online May 31, 1973.
An Autopsied Case of Congenital Stomach Perforation
June Chull Kim, Dae Ho Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Chonnam University Medical School
先天性 胃穿孔의 1剖檢例
金俊哲, 金大昊
全南大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
A case of 2 days old male newtom infant with congenital stomach perforation is reported with brief literature review. In spite of surgical repair and symptomatic treatment, the patient expired. .The postmortem examination revealed following results, 1) Generalized jaiindice. 2) Generalized peritonitis. 3) About 150cc of seropuralent fluid n the peritoneal cavity. 4)Re-perforated lesion o£ 4cm. in diameter at near the greater curvature and adhesion with peritoneum 5)Microscopical defect of nmsculature on perforeted area, and septicemic liver, spleen and kidney. 6) The cause of death seemed to be sepsis and acute diffuse peritonitis.

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