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Measles in Previously Immunized Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1973;16(9):691-695.
Published online September 30, 1973.
Measles in Previously Immunized Children
S.G. Kim, K.J. Chai, Y.D. Yoo, M.H. Shin
Department of Pediatrics, Korea General Hospital
홍역 예방접종 실패례에 대하여
김세곤, 채규주, 유연덕, 신명희
고려병원 소아과
We have experienced 7 cases of measles in previously immunized children. Such cases could be resulted from exposure to measles virus in the state of failure to the antibody formation or unusally rapid abolishment in antibody titer. To minimized the failure of vaccine, more careful attention should be required in the way of reservation of vaccine, method of vaccination (mix well all the diluent with lyophilized vaccine and then inject the total volume (0. 5ml, 1, 000 TC-ID50) of reconstituted vaccine subcutaneously) and selection of the proper age.

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