A Case of Megaureter with Renal Hypoplasia |
Kwang Yean Choung, Ton Sang Park, Chang Joo Cho, Soo Ja Kim, Won Chull Kim |
Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine Seoul, Korea |
腎臟發育不全을 同伴한 巨大輸尿管 1例 |
鄭光烟, 朴敦相, 曺昌周, 金秀子, 金元徹 |
延世大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
A megaureter with renal hypoplasia is interested because of its rarity and dificulty in diagnosis. This 12 year old male was admitted with severe headache for several years and epistaxis for 2 months. After comfirming the diagnosis by exploratory laparotomy, a nephroure ter ectomy of the left side was performed. The pathological findings showed hypoplasia and ' atropy of left renal parenchma and the left calyceopelvic system was relatively enlarged and dilated. We presented a case of megaureter with renal hypoplasia and reviewed the literatures.