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The Clinical Study on Acute Drug Intoxication in Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1975;18(6):453-456.
Published online June 30, 1975.
The Clinical Study on Acute Drug Intoxication in Children
W.H. Rhee, O.J. Koh, K.C. Sohn, K.S. Lee
Department of Pediatrics, N.M.C.
소아 급성 약물 중독의 임 상적 고찰
이원희, 고옥정, 손근찬, 이근수
국립의료원 소아과
A Clinical study on 45 cases with acute drug intoxication seen at N.M.C during the period of 14 years, from Jan. 1961 to Dec. 1974,was performed. The results following: 1)It occurr more frequently in male than female and more in under 1 year of age. 2) There was no significant difference in yearly distribution, these is no decreasing tendency. 3) The causative substances were found to be 11 kinds, among these 12 were parathion, liquid digestives 9 cases, ASA 7 cases in order, These were close relationship between the causative agents and the age. 4)It is significant findings that the motive of poisoning under 1 year of age was mainly due to therapeutic purpose. It is thought to be due to the parents misunderstanding on the drug or the easiness in obtain the drugs from the drug store. 5)The death rate was 11%, most of them were due to liquid digestives. 6)The most frequent presenting symptoms was comatous state (60%),convulsion, high fever in order.

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