The Change in Na and K Concentration in C.S.F. of Encephalitis Children |
Taek Hwan Chung |
Department of Pediatrics, Chonnam University Medical School |
腦炎患者 腦畜髓液內 Na 및 K 渡度의 變動에 對하여 |
鄭澤奐 |
全南大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
The Na concentration in C.S.F. increased markedly in encephalitis children. The K concentration, however, was within normal limit. The administration of hydrocortisone to encephalitis patients brought about a marked increase in Na, but without effect on K content in C.S.F.. Prednisolone caused a slight increase in both Na and K content in C.S.F. of encephalitis.