The Epidemic Encephalitis and Hemagglutination Test |
Young Hun Chung1, Sung II Ahn1, Kwang Sung Kim2 |
1Department of pediatrics, College of Medicine, Chosun University 2Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine, Chosun University |
流行性腦炎과 血球凝集祖止反應에 對한 小考 |
鄭鏞 憲1, 安承一1, 全光最2 |
1朝鮮大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 2朝鮮大學校 醫科大學 微生物學敎室 |
Abstract |
With laboratory studies including Hemagglution Ingibition test and cerobrospinal fluid examination
authors had clinically observed 12 cases of the epidemic encephalitis which were admitted to the Chosun
University Hospital during the epidemic summer of 1971.
Among the clinical manifestaions, fever, deterioration of consciousmess, headache, absence of abdominal reflex were observed invariably before and after admission.
On the examination of C. S. F., there were small amount of red blood cell and white blood cell, mo-
stly monocytes in all cases and the values of biochemical finding including protein, glucose and chlo-
ride were variable.
The values of H-I test were variable in acute stage but later elavated in all cases.