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Clinical Trial with Bactrim Syrup Against 33 Cases of Intestinal Bactrial Infections

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1972;15(11):1026-1029.
Published online November 30, 1972.
Clinical Trial with Bactrim Syrup Against 33 Cases of Intestinal Bactrial Infections
K.S Lee, T.I Kim
Deprtment of Pediatrics, National Medical Center Seoul, Korea
腸內細菌感染症에 對한 Bactrim 의 臨床的 歎果
李護洙, 金泰一
國立醫擾院 小兒科
Clinical trial with bactrim syrup against 33 cases of intestinal bacterial infections were undertaken. The results obtained were follows: 1. Two cases of typhoid fever were successfully treated with Bactrim syrup administration for 6 days. 2. Among 7 cases of bacteriologically proven shigellosis 5 cases were effectively controlled within 3 days with Bactrim syrup administration. 3. Two cases of intestinal infection caused by E. coli and pseudomonas aeruginosa respectively were resistant to Bactrim syrup administration. 4. As a whole 14 cases were successfully controlled, 12 cases showed gradual diminishing of all symptoms characteristic of the infection, 5 cases showed no improvement and the rest of 2 cases were not followed.

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