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Mediastinal Tumors in Infant and Childhood (Report of 14 cases)

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1972;15(12):1135-1141.
Published online December 31, 1972.
Mediastinal Tumors in Infant and Childhood (Report of 14 cases)
Chang Joo Cho1, Pyung Kil Kim1, Duk Jin Yun1, Se II Lee2, Bum Gu Cho2
1Department of Pediatrics , Yonsei University College of Medicnie Seoul, Korea
2Department of Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicnie Seoul, Korea
小兒 縱隔洞處療 14例觀察
盲昌周1, 金弼吉1, 尹德鎭1, 李世一2, 趙範九2
2延世大學校醫科大 外科學敎室
Mediastinal tumors in infant and childhood are relatively rare. This Paper is a review of 14 cases of Mediastinal tumors orginating in the mediastinum in the Pediatric Department and Surgery Department of Severance Hospital during a 15 years period from 1957 to 1972. Among 14 cases, 12 cases were confirmed by histological findings and 2 cases were considered to be mediastinal tumors by clinical and roentogenological findings. Coughing (42.9%), Dyspnea (42.9%) and Weight loss(35. 7%) were the most frequent chief complaints on admission. The range of age was 18 days to 16 years and the highest incidence was between 6〜 12 years of age. The sex ratio of male to female was 2. 5 : 1. The anatomical locations of mediastinal tumors were as following: anterior 8 (57.1%), posterior 4 (28.and 2 cases (14.2%) in the superior site. Classifications on the basis of histopathological types: Neurogenic tumors 4 cases (33. 3%), thymic tumors 4 cases (33. 3%), lymphatic tumors 2 cases (16.bronchogenic cyst 1 case and teratoma 1 case.

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