An Autopsy Case of Situs Inversus Viscerum Totalis |
Kyung Ja Lee1, Jong Hyuk Lee1, Yong Kil Lee1, Sang Jhoo Lee1, Je G. Chi2, Geung Hwan Ahn2 |
1Department of pediatrics, Han-Il Hospital 2Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University |
完全 內臟轉位症의 1 剖檢例 |
李慶子1, 李鍾赫1, 李容吉1, 李尙柱1, 池堤根2, 安亘煥2 |
1韓一病院小兒科 2서울大學技 醫科大學病理學敎室 |
Abstract |
An 2. 7 kg weighing male baby was born with a large pedunculated mass in the occipital area of the head. The baby expired on 21st day after birth, due probably to infected cephalocele with diarrheal disorder. Postmortem examination revealed the following: All thoraco-abdominal viscera and vessels were in the mirror-image position of the normal. The heart was in the right hemithorax in the mirror-image position of the normal, the cardiac axis
directing right-lateral wards. On section the heart revealed an interventricular septal defect at the pars membrancea in dextrocardiac position, and sinistra position of the aorta was also present. There found an oval defect in upper occipital bone, through which the cerebral mass of 7X6X6 cm in size was herniated being accompanied with investing meninges.