An Autopsied Case of Encephalocele |
Kyun Choi, Hong Chae Lee |
Department of Pediatrics, Chonnam University Medical School |
頭蓋骨脫漏를 同伴한 腦허어나아 1剖檢例 |
崔均, 李洪彩 |
全南犬學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
This is a case report of a rare enoephalocele associated with lacuna skull observed in 46 hour-old Korean male consisted of egg-sized mass located on the median line of parietal bone. Post mortem examination revealed that the dura mater was attached tightly, the inner side of the parietal bone showed multiple bony defect with honey-comb appearance, and the frontal bone also had a few bony defect. No cerebellum could be demonstrated macroscopically and the optic chiasma revealed hypoplasia, optic nerve showed threadlike atrophy.
Review of pertinent literature was done.