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Chloramphenicol Levels in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Purulent Meningitis Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1970;13(1):29-32.
Published online January 31, 1970.
Chloramphenicol Levels in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Purulent Meningitis Children
Min Hwa Park
Department of Pediatrics, Chonnam University Medical School Kivang-ju, Korea
小兒 腦脊髓液內에 있어서 投與 Chloramphenical 舍量의 變動
全南大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
The level of chloramphenicol in cerebrospinal fluid was studied in 10 cases of purulent meningitis with single intramuscular injection of chloramphenicol 100 mg/kg. The level of chloramphenicol in cerebrospinal fluid reached maximal concentration two hours after the intramuscular injection, maintained the effective level until 5 hours, and then progressively decreased. The level of cerebrospinal fluid chloramphenicol was about a half that of plasma level. It was shown from the above data that intramuscular injection of chloramphenicol should be repeated with interval of five to six hours for maintenance of effective therapeutic level.

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