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Treatment of diabetes insipidus with chlorpropamide

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1970;13(11):633-638.
Published online November 30, 1970.
Treatment of diabetes insipidus with chlorpropamide
Kibok Kim1, Kyu-Hae Chung1, Yang Hyun Park1, Kyung Woo Cho2, Young Johang Kook2
1Dept, of Pediatrics, Kwangju Christian Hospital
2Dept, of Pharmacology, Chonnam Univ. Med. School
Chlorpropamide 에 의한 뇨붕증의 치료
김기복1, 정규해1, 박양현1, 조경우2, 국영종2
1광주기독(제중)병원 소아과
2전남의대 약리학교실
In two cases of diabetes insipidus (a five-year-old girl and a eight-year-old boy), oral administration of chlorpropamide in doses of 125~250 mg per day produced marked antidiuresis and concentration of urine. It was noted that the agent was effective also in the vasopressin-insensitive case (8-year-old boy). During the treatment endogenous creatinine clearance and the amount of sodium excreted, as well as osmolar clearance increased, while free water clearance decreased. The site of action seems to be the distal portions of nephron, and water permeability of the area is enhanced by chlorpropamide, resembling the action of antidiuretic hormone. But the cellular mechanism of chlorpropamide action seems to be different from that of vasopressin. When taken proper care of hypoglycemia, chlorpropamide seems to be a drug of choice, making the frequent injection of vasopressin unnecessary.

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