A Case of child Hodgkin’s disease in 4years and 8 months old boy
Kir Young Kim, Kook Hoon KO |
Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
小兒 Hodgkin氏 病의 一例 (小兒 Hodgkin氏病의 症例報告 및 文獻的 考察)
金吉英, 高克勳 |
延世大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
This is a report of child Hodgkin’s disease which may be the first case in Korean literature as a you ngest patient.
The patient is 4 years and 8 months old boy who was first seen with symptoms and signs of anorexia, loss of weight* relatively period of high fever (pelEbstein type), anemia, painless swelling on inguinal and
cervical region and palpable intraabdominl mass which were begun to notice about 10 months prior to this
admission. Diagnosis could be made by microscopic examination of right sided biopsied cervical lymphnode.
He was treated with conventional therapy, radiation and chemotherapy. Discharged with improvment
after 65 days admission.