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Original Article
Emergency Medicine
Nonfatal injuries in Korean children and adolescents, 2007–2018
Gyu Min Yeon, Yoo Rha Hong, Seom Gim Kong
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2022;65(4):194-200.   Published online September 9, 2021
Question: How many children and adolescents have experienced nonfatal injuries in the previous year?
Finding: Among Korean children and adolescents, 8.1% experienced at least one injury per year. We found no significant change in the incidence of injuries over the previous 12 years.
Meaning: The incidence of injuries is higher than this estimation; therefore, more attention and effort are needed to prevent injuries among children and adolescents.
Case Report
Moyamoya syndrome occurred in a girl with an inactive systemic lupus erythematosus
Yun-Jin Lee, Gyu Min Yeon, Sang Ook Nam, Su Yung Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2013;56(12):545-549.   Published online December 20, 2013

We report the case of a 17-year-old Korean girl with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) who presented with sudden weakness of the right-sided extremities and dysarthria. Oral prednisolone was being taken to control SLE. Results of clinical and laboratory examinations did not show any evidence of antiphospholipid syndrome or thromboembolic disease nor SLE activity. Cerebral angiography showed stenosis of the left...

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