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Volume 8(2); May 1965
Original Articles
Thrombotest for Coagulation Studies in the Newborn and Vitamin K Prophylaxis.
Kir Young Kim, Kook Hoon Ko, Chong Moo Lee, J.Courtland Robinson
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1965;8(2):43-50.   Published online May 31, 1965
Hemorrhagic disorder of the newborn infant was fist described in 1894 by Dr. Townsend. Since then the etiology, therapy and prophylaxis pave aroused great interest. The object of the present work has been to investigate the risk of hemorrhage in newborn infants and the possible need for vitamin K prophylaxis. In the newborn period, numerous investigators were able to demonstrate a temporary...
Case Report
A Case of Letterer-Siwe Disease.
Kir Young Kim, Ki Young Lee, Kook Hoon Ko, Geukdong KO
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1965;8(2):51-56.   Published online May 31, 1965
This is a report of a 10 months-old male with Letterer-Siwe disease. The patient illustrated the classical clinical features of the disease, including maculopapular rash, hemorrhagic manifestations, anemia,diarrhea, marked enlargement of the spleen & liver, and susceptibility to secondary infection. Most of these signs developed soon after birth. (Fig. 1,2, & 3) Diagnosis was confirmed by microscopic examination, of skin...
Original Articles
Congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
Joung Hee Bai, Sung Whan Chung, Yun Wha Kim, Hong Yul Lee, Sha Hun Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1965;8(2):57-65.   Published online May 31, 1965
This report presents seven cases of Congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis, which were treated in the department of Pediatrics, St. Mary’s Hospital during the past three years from April, 1962 to January, 1965. Six cases were unequivocally demonstrated when pylorostomy(Fredet-Ramstedt method) was performed in the early stage of infancy, and symptoms of stenosis completely disappeared after the operation. Attempt was made to treat one of...
Ik-Chin Chang, Kyung-Ho Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1965;8(2):66-78.   Published online May 31, 1965
Poliomyelitis is an endemic disease in Korea and is prevalent in the summer with the high incidence in June, July and August. The disease in Korea, as also was reported in Cairo, Egypt, in Tokyo, Japan and in Taipei, Taiwan, is essentially a disease of infants following disappearance of the maternal antibody. Active antibodies to each of the 3 types of poliomyelitis virus...