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A case of Central Diabetes Insipidus Associated with Brachycephaly

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1994;37(2):282-287.
Published online February 15, 1994.
A case of Central Diabetes Insipidus Associated with Brachycephaly
Woo Sik Kang, Mee Kyung Namgoong, Jae Seung Yang, Baek Keun Lim, Jong Soo Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Wonju, Korea
단두증으로 인한 중추성 뇨붕증 1례
강우식, 남궁미경, 양재승, 임백근, 김종수
연세대학교 원주의과대학 소아과학교실
Brachyecphaly is a kind of craniosynostosis. Because of premature closure of the coronal suture, the skull is shorter in the anteroposterior diameter but is widened with a high vault and the occiput and borehead are flattened. Diabetes insipidus had been reported in oxycephaly. We have experienced a case of central diabetes insipidus associated with brachcephaly. A brief review of related literatures is included in this report.
Key Words: Brachycephaly, Craniosynostosis, Diabetes insipidus, Hydrocephalus

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